For at least an hour before and an hour after transfer meeting the parking lot is full of elders and others talking, hugging, and just enjoying each other’s company. There is a special energy and spirit in the air. Former companions catch up with what has been going on since they were transferred. After the meeting lots of luggage and other things are transferred from one car to another for the trip to their new areas. New district and zone leaders get some training for their new callings.

In the picture on the left, elder and sister Hansen talk to some missionaries while two their daughters who are here for a visit watch and listen. On he left is the red headed elder Johnson – he is always easy to pick out and others.

A closer look at the group in the background of the last picture show our good friend elder Taylor (in the suit) talking to elder Whitesides (blue tie). Elder Stephens – a former AP – appears to be writing on his thumb. The Hansens took the opportunity to get pictures taken with some of the elders. They are standing on the steps that lead up to the mission office where they served for most of their mission. I believe they go home at the end of March.

Elder Segil wore his name tie. If you remember the last transfer I kidded him about not knowing who he was if he did not wear this tie. Notice all the clusters of elders behind the cars in the parking lot before the meeting.

I only took one picture of elder Clegg which is unusual since I have a good e-mail relationship with his mother. I try to take more pictures of elders who parents follow our blog or FaceBook accounts and let me know that their missionary is here in South Africa.

After the meeting the elders go into the cultural hall where there are packages of materials, copies of the Liahona, mail, and the mission new letter ‘Cumorah Crest’ for each area. If a companionship is not here and no one picks up their package, the Zone Leaders will take them. Elder Compton’s – he was the District Leader for the Ikageng District  when we arrived – new companion elder Nonumwar – they will serve in the North Riding area.

The piano playing elder Dutson with our good friend elder Graham. Sister Dunn tries to talk to as many of the missionaries as she can. She really is the mission mom!

A last picture with elder Rami as he was transferred to the Pimville area where he will serve as senior companion to elder McCartney. Elder Oldroyd on the right tried on a friend’s pair of bright green glasses – they do not match his tie as well as they did his friend.

With elder Taylor heading for home elder Liera has a new companion here in the Ikageng area – elder Alvial is from Chile so he and elder Liera can speak Spanish.