Category Archives: Johannesburg Mission – Back To Africa

Report – Party

We reported on our mission on Sunday the 30th. I am afraid I was a little preachy about the need for couple missionaries. I would have been kinder but I did not have enough time left to really do it properly so I just bore in. A number of parents of some of the elders we served with in South Africa, Joburg mission, the Roberts who we served with in Indonesia, the Bartholomews who we served with in Richards Bay, the Nuzmans who followed us in Richards Bay, our dear friend Fran Anderson and Frank Knowles who was our trainer in Potch all came to our sacrament meeting. There was also a good number of FFL RMs there.

After the meeting we came home where the family and some of the great FFL RMs gathered to have some lunch, have a good time talking about what has been going on in their lives, and just to say welcome home to us. It was a great time.

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Saturday – The Family Gathers – Twice

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Thursday – We Get to See the Twins

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Angels We Met Along the Way

I am sorry that I am so far behind in putting words to the pictures I have posted since we have returned home. I thought I should comment on these photos and tell the stories behind them. On Monday August 24th elder Allred arrived at our flat to pick up all the furniture and other things that belong to the mission. For some unknown reason I did not take any photos of the packing of the trailer and truck. The job was made easy by the help of these four Angels and elder Allred. President Kwaikwai and his wife came to help as did elders Wild and Hentunen. We took final photos with them. They – and elder Allred – were the first Angels to help us on our journey home.

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On Tuesday evening sister Dunn took us to the airport where two more ‘angels’ appeared just as we parked. Once again I failed to take any pictures of these un-named helpers who took all our luggage from the van and then escorted us and the luggage through all the ins and outs of getting it on the plane. This included getting it wrapped, showing where I needed to pay for the extra bag, and escorting us to our gate. Without them it would have been a real struggle to get through the check-in process. I gave them each a pass-along card and a nice tip. Even angels need to eat and take care of their families.

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The young man on in the photo on the left is Karhk Radhakrishnan. As we got off the plane in LA we had to board buses. We got to the loading area the first bus had just been filled so we got on the second bus. Mary went to the back so she could sit down but I decided to stand with our carry-on bags so I did not have to haul them up and down the platform. As I standing waiting for the bus to fill this young man introduced himself as a returned missionary from India on his way to Salt Lake to go to LDS Business College. For the next two hours he took care of us and our luggage while we worked our way through the maze that is LAX. Once again I do not know how we would have got through without him.  Why we know that he was sent to us by the Lord is that he was traveling with his friend who lives in Salt Lake and goes to LDSBC but he traveled on our plane from Dubai to LAX and on to SL because it was much cheaper than the flight his friend took. That is the reason we met him on the bus. If he had flown with his friend as they had planned we would probably never met him.

The next angel the Lord provided was Andrew Jackson – really that was his name – who saw Mary sitting waiting for Karhik and I to return from clearing our bags for the flight to LA. He got her a wheelchair and then escorted us through the maze of LAX to our gate.


Our grandson Shane Webb took over the gathering and hauling our luggage when we arrived at SLC. We have always thought he was an angel. But the story does not end there. It turned out that the friend that Karhk was traveling with and who he will be living with has been going to LDSBC with Shane and he had even been over to our son Bob’s house recently.

If you believe in a mass of coincidences than there was nothing special about our trip home, but  we know that the Lord watched over us every step of the way and provided the right person at the right time to get two of His senior missionaries home with minimum struggles and worries.

Goodbye Joburg, Dubai, LAX and Finally home to Salt Lake

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Tuesday – A Last Zone Conference and Then Goodbye to SAJM

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Monday – Clear Out the Flat – Party Time

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We Finally Meet Elder Widdison

I have lots of pictures to post about our last days in South Africa and our trip home. I will post them next Monday when I should have time. But I wanted to post this picture of us and elder Widdison who I do not think we met during the 18 months of our mission until the last day we were there. We went to Zone Conference and there met up with him and Mary said his mother has been following our blog for a year and never saw any pictures of him…so this post is for sister Widdison!



It turns out that we actually met elder Widdison on the day he came into the mission. There is a picture of him and his trainer elder Compton at

It was a special new companionship for us because elder Compton was the district leader when we first came to Potchefstroom,

Our Last Sabbath with the Potchefstroom Branch…Lets Have a Party!

Today was our last Sunday to share the Sabbath with the great saints and friends in the Potchefstroom branch. It was also Branch Conference so President and Sister Dunn were here for the Sacrament meeting and stayed over to take part in the not so surprising, surprise party that the wonderful sisters in the branch – with some strong PH support – held to say goodbye to us. I will write lots more when we get home – right now I am about to close down this computer so it can be packed for the trip home.

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A Very Busy Last Saturday…

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