Some pictures from our yard – The Cabassa tree is in full bloom and so it is covered in white flowers. Unfortunately they will end up on the ground and have to be cleaned up, but the tree is still beautiful. These pink and white roses are in full bloom – they are probably my favorite among the roses.
23 June 2008 – Monday
Stupid, stupid, stupid ! I am talking to myself. On Saturday I did something that caused my left hip to start hurting. I decided I did too much work and my old body was complaining. It was not really bad and it only hurt when I moved wrong or too quickly. It did not really bother me on Sunday so this morning I decided as long as I was careful that it would be fine for me to do some light work in the yard.
I went back up on the North hill and cleaned out a section that I wanted to cover with the new weed protection fabric. I think this is the third layer in this area but this time I am going to use rock instead of bark as the covering. I think this will make it much easier to keep down the weeds. Everything went well until I was finishing up and was moving some rocks back into place. I picked up the last and largest rock and as soon as I did I knew I had made a big mistake as pain shot through my left hip area. So now I am taking Aleve, some muscle relaxant, and basically sitting around for the day. At least this gave me the time and desire to catch up and post this journal. \
After a very hot bath and some relaxing Mary and I went to Pier 49 for their all you can eat Monday lunch. It was very good and I ate much too much but decided I could drink one of my diet concoctions for dinner. When we were through, Mary dropped me off at the house and then went to meet with the Rebers so show them how to do a report and how to fill out a re-imbursement voucher. She did not need me there for that. She will make an appointment for Wednesday when I will go through the files with brother Reber about the projects Elder Subandriyo had asked us to work on.
In regards to the programs, here is a letter from the Taylors telling about how Elder S spoke to the central youth about the new program for helping young people get into better schools and how well the young people are doing in the HS English class. It really makes me feel good when I read how programs we had a hand in starting are doing so well.
Extract from Elder and Sister Taylor’s letter of June 23, 2008
Friday we had to turn around and go back to Solo ( a 1 ½ to 2 hr. drive) to take our high school English students to a fireside with Elder Subandriyo, our area authority. We didn’t find out about this and our assignment until very late on Wednesday night. We had to be gone all day Thursday so we had to give the kids the assignment and let them run with it. We were assigned to give some kind of musical number. They ended up singing “Teach Me to Walk in the Light.â€Â  They sang the first verse and then each of them recited one of the first five Articles of Faith, then they sang the second verse and then recited the next five Articles of Faith, then sang the last verse (all in English of course). Rian, one of the young men accompanied then on the piano. They did a fantastic job and we were so proud of them. Rian also had to bear his testimony in English and Omni, our only girl, had to be the pianist for the whole program. We have more youth in our English program but only five of them could attend as some were still taking school exams. They had a fun time in the van laughing and singing. They were all worried about having to recite the Articles of Faith so they were practicing all the way. We just love these kids like our own grandchildren. The whole fireside was in English. Elder Subandriyo gave a really motivating and interesting talk about the importance of education. He also announced a new and exciting program sponsored by the Returned Missionary Fund, where they will give any student completing grades 9 and 12 with an average score of 8 points or above (B+average) one million rupiah ($100.00) to use for school fees or uniforms. Those finishing grade 6 with that same score will receive a half million. This program is to encourage the kids to study hard and get the most out of their education and also to build strong leaders for the future of the church in Indonesia . This is a tremendous blessing to those who qualify as most of them come from very humble circumstances. Now the exciting part …grades came out yesterday and five out of seven possibles qualified for the million rupiah, including Ginsa, the young man who needs desperately to raise 2 more million. The fun thing was they all scored higher in English than they did in their Indonesia class. And Albert (see below) may qualify now that he is a member, although he doesn’t know anything about the program yet..
Now the frosting on the cake…. Saturday we had the baptism of Margretta and today we had the baptism of Albert and Tasha, his mother. Both baptismal services turned out super. We also had the confirmation of the three of them today. There was really a wonderful spirit there. The branch really supported them. This is really getting the members excited about missionary work. It is a wonderful privilege to be a small part of this work. It is so rewarding to see people accept the gospel and change their lives. Today people were commenting on the actual physical change that has come over these three. The gospel of Jesus Christ is TRUE and we are so grateful to be able to share this message with the people here in Indonesia .
After a nap, my back was much better. That is I could walk up and down the stairs with little pain. There is hope that by tomorrow I will be able to get in and out of the car without gritting my teeth.
One of the things I did before throwing out my back was to look for the leak in my new/old water feature that I got ready on Saturday. Of course it was almost at the very bottom. I wondered how to fix it when I remembered about Seam Grip which plugs all kinds of holes in inflatables. I found our supply but it had long ago dried up so I gritted my teeth and drove down to Out N Back to get some. Keith has done some good things and it looks like it is well stocked. Unfortunately there did not seem to be enough sales help for the number of customers. I almost started talking to some of the customers to see if I could help.
I just was going through the pictures I took while at the MTC. It seems like that was a long time ago and not just 18 months. So much has happened since then and so many people have touched our lives. We really had no idea of what was ahead for us but the love and friendship that we felt in that small group of couples was great. I did not take enough pictures and I did not write down names – I will not make that mistake the next time.
Even with my being stupid about my hip, it was a good day. It feels good to read the scriptures in Indonesian. Although my hip does hurt, I can still do many things and I am sure it will be better tomorrow. But the best part is the information from Indonesia that says a number of the programs we started are moving forward. The Lord has touched our lives today.