Due to the fact that I did not charge my camera battery before going to transfers, there are a number of transfer pictures that will be missing. I am apologize to any parent who might look here to find out who their son is now serving with and in case of transfer from their area – where they will be serving for at least the next 6 weeks. Hopefully you will only need to wait until Monday and an email from your elder to be brought up to date…
While I did not take as many pictures as usual at transfers I did manage to take about 75 before the battery gave up the ghost…here is the first batch taken before the transfer meeting and the early part of the meeting when they introduce the new missionaries and their trainers…

Before we went to the mission office we stopped by the distribution center on the temple grounds. I always enjoy the quiet beauty of the area next to the center and area office as the path wanders through a small tropical paradise with a lovely flowing stream. The bank of impatiens added color to the area near the area offices.

Before the meeting the elders arrive and enjoy seeing and talking to old friends and companions. Elders Smith, Dye and Bryner were happy to pose while elder Rogers explained he got a package from home.

Elder Kulani proved to be a pretty good pool player. Elder Dye showed up again in a picture with elders Tuare and de la Cruz.

Elder Kolditz showed off the very special ugly suit which I talk about above. Hugs and smiles are everywhere.

Sister Allred is the official, unofficial photographer for the mission when president and sister Dunn are busy doing other thing. Here she is talking to elder Cummings and about to take a picture of sister Dunn talking to elder Kolditz.

Elder Leman – one of the new trainers – with elders Bryner and Smith-Holley. Elder Stilgoe struck a special UK pose – no big British flag as he is not getting transferred.

We are always happy to see elder Harris who served in the Ikageng district with us. Elder Matos – wearing a suit coat because he will soon be departing greets elder harris. Elder Reese – who was released as one of the Vaal Zone, zone leaders – looks on with a smile.

I have no idea how I happen to take this picture of my gold zebra tie but I left it in because two other elders also had the same tie on today. Elder T – the other Vaal zone leader who is staying – with two friends. Later we found out that his new companion is also an islander from Tonga!
We were happy to see and give elder Graham a hug. He served with us in the Ikageng district and always is smiling. Elders Stilgoe, Packard and others clown for a picture. You find little groups like this all over the parking lot before and after the transfer meeting.Â

Departing missionaries Kolditz and Stapley get serious and roll up their pant legs before the start of the traditional volleyball game between the arriving and departing missionaries. Â

One the other side of the net we have elder de Souza from Brazil and elder Mapenda from Mozambique.

Elders Menendez and Leman chat before joining the crowd to watch the game.

Elder Segil once again did not wear his famous tie but still looked good in his shades. Elders Makusa, Mayende and Rami all served in the Ikageng district while elder Ratsimbazafy is another of those Madagascar elders with the unpronounceable names.Â

Elder Harris gets in another picture with elders Holmquist and Compton. Elder Compton was district leader when we first came to Potch and the Ikageng District.Â

With the meeting about to start, the departing elders are on the stand. This transfer was unusual because only elder Kolditz – in the brown suit – and elder Stapley – adjusting his collar – were actually leaving today. Elders Matos, and two others will be leaving between transfers to be home in time to enroll in school. Elder Menendez conducted the meeting and after the opening song and prayer introduced the Week of Witnessing and the special banner that president Dunn got approved to use to help with finding.

The elders are all turned in their seats because at the rear of the chapel the APs were demonstrating one of the banners and how to set it up. They then demonstrated another version and its care and feeding.

Then it was time for the new elders to introduce themselves and bear their testimonies. Elder Mapenda comes to the mission from Mozambique, and elder Souza is from Brazil.

Elder Masiya is from Malawi and elder Reynolds joins the UK contingent. There is one other new missionary, elder Roberts, who did not arrive until 4:30 from the Provo MTC.Â
After the new missionaries introduced themselves they get to meet their trainers. The final assignment of trainers and areas and the new missionaries is not done until president Dunn has an interview with the incoming missionaries. The trainers know they are going to train but they do not know which missionary will be assigned to them. Elder Farnes, who will train elder Souza, is training for the fourth time – this is very unusual and means he is considered an excellent missionary and trainer.