Wednesday – Visit to Parys, Sister Bobbi and Louis

Tuesday I took no pictures but we were very busy. We had breakfast at the mission home with the Dummers and gave them a last hug and wished them a safe flight. They had a busy day ahead before getting on a flight to Switzerland after 8 p.m. that night.

In spite of the construction on the N-12, we drove home in almost record time. Then I had a meeting at the branch office to take care of some mission and branch business with President Dunn and president Kwaikwai. President Dunn was also going to be kept busy as he still had to go to the Jouberton and Klerksdorp branches.

Later in the day we went back to the branch office where Mary gave a piano lesson and then helped a member prepare 10 of his family names for baptism at the temple on Saturday. I wish I had taken a picture of the smile on his face as he held those precious pieces of paper that will allow those waiting to accept baptism into the kingdom. While she was busy helping I pretty much spent my time reading and talking to Omphile Mokate who was came to the office to study as it is quiet and peaceful.

On Wednesday we picked up elders Liera and Alvial for the drive up over to Parys where we met with sister Bobbi Swanepoel and Louis – Louis has no idea he is a dog. The elders love Louis – they also love sisterSwanepoel but she does not like to be petted or have her stomach rubbed.

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Elder Liera really would love to take Louis with him. He teases Louis and gets Louis to fight with him. We all decided that elder Liera and Louis are really twins. Mary found a comfortable chair and was excited to get a big stack of paperback books. Sister Swanepoel and her have about the same tastes in reading.

One of the reasons we visit sister Swanepoel is to give her the sacrament. She really appreciates being able to partake of this ordinance the once a month we visit. She was excited because this weekend a family is going to come to Parys and pick her up so she can go to the temple and sacrament meeting in Joburg.

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