Daily Archives: July 19, 2014

Flat Inspections and our Last Saturday with the Ikageng Elders

This morning we had a hour’s drive to the town of Ennerdale where inspected two boardings or flats. It is always a pleasure to spend some time with elders that we do not know or do not know well. It is also a pleasure to inspect flats that are well kept up as these two were. We check to see if they have all the furnishings and equipment that they are supposed to have, check to see if they have any major problems with the flat, and check to see how well they are keeping things up. Of course they know we are coming so we probably see the flats at their best but a couple of times we have caught a companionship that had not prepared for us. One was a disaster but the other one was amazingly clean for two young men.

19Jul14 - HI - elders Carpenter, B. Pedersen 19Jul14 - HI - Ennerdale boardingElders Carpenter and Pedersen serve in the Ennerdale area and this is their flat. Elder Carpenter has two guitars and elder Pedersen is into health and exercise. Their flat was in good shape but there are always ways to improve.

19Jul14 - HI - Apt. Complex 19Jul14 - HI - Elders Plus, CummingsThis is what the complex looks like – actually that is not true because only a few of the buildings are two stories. Most are single story like the ones the elders live in. Elder Pius and Cummings serve in the Orange Farm area – at least they did until elder Cummings was transferred this week. Their flat was one of the best kept up that we have inspected.

19Jul14 - HI - Orange Farm Boarding 19Jul14 - HI - The neat bookcase

This is the entrance to their flat. I was immediately struck by how neat their bookcase was arranged. Most of the time they are just kind of jumbled up – I know ours is. Also they had the cleanest toilet bowl I have ever seen. It almost sparkled.

19Jul14 - HI - Signs 219Jul14 - HI - signs 

The Daily Sun is the Johannesburg sensationalist newspaper and so their front pages often have headlines like these that the elders used as pinups over their study desks.

19Jul2014 - Us, Kelem, Msangi19Jul2014 - Kelem, KK, Omphile, Regie, Msangi in front.Our last pictures with elders Kelem and Msangi before they headed home. In the last picture brother Kwaikwai and sister Reghina joined us.

19Jul2014 - What is that thing?

The structure that you can see between the two trucks is one of many that can be found around the city. I have yet to learn what they are for but I am guessing they are cell phone repeaters. If not some artist sold the city many copies of the same sculpture.