At district meeting this morning Elder George, the district leader, asked me to lead the music. Since I have never led music in my life I told him he was crazy but tried anyways. The first song was in 4/4 and I did pretty good there, but the closing song was in 3/4 and I found myself off beat way too often. However I am thankful that Elder George asked because it reminds me that these young elders and sisters have the authority to act in God’s name as missionaries.
The Zone Leaders, Elder Beard and Elder Clark, demoed the use of a calendar to help investigators prepare for baptism. We then were asked to be the investigators for Sisters Hong and Holder to practice. They did a great job and even overcame a small objection that I threw in. After their turn they invited us to try. I did not feel that we were ready to do this but they persuaded us to try. Once we got started I felt the spirit helping us and I think we did pretty good. Of course the missionaries said we did but I think they were being kind. I did forget to give the calendar to the ‘investigator’ but otherwise it felt good. I can see how using the calendar will help the investigator be prepared for a set baptism date.
Christmas may be over but Christmas mail is not…we received 20 or more packages and about 100 pieces of mail. When I loaded up the van to take all of this and the left over baskets back to the post office, the van looked like a US mail truck. It is great that the missionaries get so much mail but it will be nice when it gets back to normal.