We had the great experience of taking 7 wonderful missionaries who had finished their missions and would be going home tomorrow to the Orlando temple. Even though almost everyone had to wake up at 4:00 am or sooner to get to the Plantation chapel to begin the journey, they were all bright eyed and excited to go. It was a blessing to see them say goodbye to their companions as they parted for perhaps the last time ever. They had shared experiences that can never be duplicated or forgotten.
After our session President Halversen took us to a sealing room and gave a short talk about the temple and the covenants that are made there. He then took the time to answer questions. Some of the missionaries then went back to the Celestial room to pray and hold on to the feeling that is there a little longer. It was a beautiful experience and worth the 7 or so hours of driving.
When we were back in Plantation we all went to the Mission home where Sister Anderson had prepared a delicious meal which was followed by the President asking each missionary to share one spiritual experience and then bear their testimony. We left at that point so the assistants could drive us back to the chapel to get our van and head home.
It was a very long but a very rewarding day for us.