Sisters Holder, Hong, Pier…Elders George, Smoot (closest to camera)…we had a very enjoyable lunch with these four great missionaries and learned a lot about them and some of the experiences they have had on their missions. Although we were all enjoying lunch and laughing, we all realized that we were missionaries and that we about the Lord’s work.
While on the subject of missionary work, the weekly letter from President Anderson gave some examples of missionaries who listened to training, felt the spirit and then went out and worked. As I read the stories that the president shares, I realize how much we need to rely on the spirit to guide us to those who He has prepared to accept the gospel and then let the spirit change their lives.
“We harvested Alicia’s step father probably 2 weeks ago … He had recognized the spirit but wasn’t too interested in acting. We went by the other night and he said “not tonight boys” Behind him was his step daughter Alicia. She was crying and asked if we could talk to her. So we did and she just poured her heart out and told us how she had abused drugs in her past and that she had just gotten out of de-tox. She said she felt so empty and very sad. And for the first time in her life she had contemplated committing suicide. We bore powerful testimony to her that she is a daughter of God. That he loves her so much and that she could be forgiven of her sins. It was really powerful and she felt the spirit so much. We invited her to be baptized and there was no hesitation! She said she had been praying that God would help her and she felt he wasn’t answering her. We helped point out to her that God had sent us and that we were the answer to her prayer. It was very powerful and you could feel the spirit confirm to us that it was true. We had been sent to help her… she totally came to church! Loved it so much … She said yesterday that this is the happiest she has felt in 3 years. So cool to bring hope into people’s lives and restore their faith. Being instruments in God’s hands! An amazing experience that I will surely never forget.â€Â
Another wrote:
“We were harvesting a street that we felt prompted to go to, and we knocked the door of a woman named Angie. When she opened the door she had a shocked looked on her face as if she had seen a ghost. We explained that we are representatives of Jesus Christ and he sent us there to bless her and her home. She again was lost for words. She told us that she never opens the door for anyone and that the gate is usually locked to even get in. We later found out that she had been contemplating committing suicide that day, and that she prayed for God to give her direction in her life and to save her. 2 minutes later, we knocked on the door. We returned on Saturday and taught her the restoration. We committed her to be baptized on Christmas day, along with her 12 year old son Jordan. She told us that she knew that we were sent from God, and that we answered her prayers. Harvesting is a real tool, and God is preparing his children to receive the gospel. Because we were obedient, not only did we save her soul, but we were a tool in the hands of the Lord to save this amazing woman’s life.â€Â
We always loved our weekly interaction at district meeting with the young elders and sisters in Florida. Also went out to lunch with them and enjoyed lighter conversations and just getting to know them.