Good morning…
We had the opportunity today of delivering a almost new Ford Fusion to Sisters Bloomfield and Escorbores to replace their much olderToyota Corolla . From their enthusiasm you would think we had delivered a huge Christmas present instead of a car. The picture on the left are the sisters and Mary with their new car…but then they wanted one with their old faithful Toyota. I asked the sisters for their e-mail addresses so I could send them the photos. At first Sister Escorbores – she is from the Dominican Republic and has only been a member about 18 months – said to just send it to Sister Bloomfield and she would get it from her. But after we talked for a while she said we were cool and that she wanted to give us her address as well. It is nice to be thought as cool by the missionaries.
After we got back from Miami…about an hour drive each way…we were asked to go to West Palm Beach and pick up some paper work from Elders Osborn and Palacios. We had been to their boarding about a month ago to exchange cars…theirs had been sideswiped and needed repairing…and I had taken a picture of them in their P-day clothes as they were about to go into the gym. So today I wanted to take a picture of them as missionaries. They clean up well I think.
On the way back from West Palm Beach a SUV passed us that had a Christmas tree tied to their roof. At first it took me a couple of seconds to realize this was a once living tree and then I wondered what in the world they were going to do with it. I decided that they had been after Christmas shopping and they found a real bargain. They were going really fast so I guess they needed to get it into water before it dried out. I should know not to be surprised with anything I see on the road in Florida.