It was a busy Saturday afternoon at the chapel. When we arrived there for Mary to sit in on Seminary, sisters Viona Kruger and Georgina Mogapi were busy washing and waxing the floors. They were aided by the young Kujane children, as well as a couple of the PH brethren.
 The seminary lesson was taught by Nasi Williams who did a great job. It has been wonderful to see how well the young men and women prepare to teach. Mary was really inspired to start this program in Seminary as they will soon be ready to teach any class.
After the lesson they played Book of Mormon “Go Fish,” another legacy that we leave behind when we head home. Mary created this and ‘Book of Mormon Bingo” that everyone seems to love to play. Go Fish gets some very serious playing but also lots of smiles and laughs. While this was going on the chapel got set up for tomorrow’s meeting.
Then it was time to take some pictures – sister Ratema joined the young sisters. Then we added Mary, next came the YM and those who were helping with getting the building ready for Sunday and finally a always required crazy one…I love sister Kruger hiding behind sister Williams as well as Gomolemo’s big blue purse.