22 awesome elders went home this transfer. They start the day by going across the parking lot to the MTC and bring those elders who are coming into the mission to the mission office so they can be interviewed and instructed by president and sister Dunn, the APs and the office staff of Elder and Sister Allred and the Thompsons.
Then they have time to go outside and say goodbye to the other elders as they arrive. After all the transfers have been shown the departing elders get hugged by president Dunn, pinned by sister Dunn and are given a plaque that is like the photo of their mission that is shown behind them. Finally they are given a chance to share thoughts, wisdom and testimony to the rest of the missionaries. It is a tender time for them and for the rest of us.
Then they all go to the mission home for a final lunch and some instructions and thoughts about what they should think about when they are home. There are too many returned missionaries who become inactive because they did have any plan for when they are released and are no longer serving the Lord 24/7.
     After the last departing missionary speaks, all the missionaries stand and sing the mission song. I have yet to make it through the song without tearing up a little. There is just something about 150 plus dedicated missionaries singing together that with power and the spirit that reaches deep within me. This was the last time we would get to sing it with so many friends and fellow servants of the Lord.
If you like to get an idea of what it is like to hear this song go to the Dunn’s website:Â http://dunnsinjoburg.blogspot.com/2014/07/mission-song-new-favorite.html
Here are the Lyrics..
There’s a land we have all come to, chosen from on high to serve with our Lord’s guidance leaving all behind. Giving light to those who never knew the way. Bringing gifts restored in latter days.
We’ve been called to build the Kingdom in Johannesburg. We will serve the Lord with strength, love and faith. We shall go forth proclaiming with the Spirit of truth ’til all people learn the things we know are true.
Tumelo hunya kitebe, remember what we have. Hlanganani nonce in this land our banner stands. Giving light to those who never knew the way. Bringing gifts restored in latter days.
We’ve been called to build the Kingdom in Johannesburg. We will serve the Lord with strength, love and faith. We shall go forth proclaiming with the Spirit of truth ’til all people learn the things we know are true.
In this land of many colors with its transcendent past, uniting all God’s children with the plan of happiness. Giving light to those who never knew the way. Bringing gifts restored in latter days.
We’ve been called to build the Kingdom in Johannesburg. We will serve the Lord with strength, love and faith. We shall go forth proclaiming with the Spirit of truth ’til all people learn the things we know are true.