Sunday was quite normal except I think we had the lowest attendance – 39 – since we have been here. I am sure it was the combination of a three day weekend and the cold. When we started the meeting there was only about 20 in the congregation. However on the positive side some members who have been less active for a while came and that made us feel good.
The morning breakfast crowd included a bright yellow weaver male who has only been coming for a few days now. Before the meeting president Kwaikwai talked to Mary about the programmed hymns that can be played on the organ. This is important because there will be no one who can play once we have gone home.
The photo below shows a good portion of those in attendance when the meeting started. Shavonne and Viona Kruger and David Rampai. I took the photo of the big tree in the courtyard just because it looked like it should be taken – the big green tree against the very blue sky.
For some reason I did not take very many pictures on Sunday. Sisters Robbins, Williams and Kujane looked beautiful as ever while trying to look warm. Before Priesthood brothers Johannes, Philip and Robbins are facing the camera while president Kwaikwai was walking out. the final Sunday photo shows a little one enjoying the comfort of her father and mother. She had her eyes wide open when I started to take the pictures but I was not fast enough to capture them.
Monday morning elder and sister Allred drove over from Joburg to take the first load of furniture back to the mission office. Elders Wild and Hentunen came over to help. We had cleaned everything out of that which was going on this load and I had moved it near the garage door so it only took about 30 minutes to get it all loaded up. It hard to believe that in just two weeks they will be back to take the rest of it away and we will shut and lock the door for the last time!
 After the trailer was packed the elders changed into their missionary clothes so they could look good when sending their email for the week. Notice that sister Allred usually has a camera in her hands. She is the official – unofficial photographer for the mission. Between our blog, the Allreds and the Dunn’s there are lots of photographers for mothers with sons serving here to look through to see their son.