We remember being to one of your youth activities and playing games with the kids while we were also doing PEF stuff. Our Institute class here is the big highlight and we are going to miss them when we leave and they have said the same about us. There isn’t anyone to give this group the attention and support they need, but we have tried. We will be leaving in about 10 days to return to Brisbane and helping in the office. The current office couple will train us and then spend their last 5 months out in the field, but not in Emerald!!
It seems to be that way in most branches and wards. The YSA can be the heart of the unit and yet they are often ignored because they are young. What we are doing in this branch is that the president called two of the YSA to be institute teachers as well as the YSA leaders and gave them a budget for activities. You might suggest that to your branch president if he has not already left for the holidays.
We remember being to one of your youth activities and playing games with the kids while we were also doing PEF stuff. Our Institute class here is the big highlight and we are going to miss them when we leave and they have said the same about us. There isn’t anyone to give this group the attention and support they need, but we have tried. We will be leaving in about 10 days to return to Brisbane and helping in the office. The current office couple will train us and then spend their last 5 months out in the field, but not in Emerald!!
It seems to be that way in most branches and wards. The YSA can be the heart of the unit and yet they are often ignored because they are young. What we are doing in this branch is that the president called two of the YSA to be institute teachers as well as the YSA leaders and gave them a budget for activities. You might suggest that to your branch president if he has not already left for the holidays.