Birds, Birds and More Birds


I just can not seem to get enough of the birds that drop into our yard for their meals. Most of them are weavers, sparrows and doves but we do get an occasional hadedah. And sometimes we get some really big birds dropping to roll in the mud hole!

nov14 - red bird 2 Mina Bird Hadedahs Hadedah nov14 - flock 179bba69_2550823Just wanted to see if anyone really reads what I write!


One thought on “Birds, Birds and More Birds

  1. Sandy Mickelsen

    We have so many birds that wake us each morning, but they are very keep to themselves and stay hidden in the trees. There are ibis here also, but not the same color as we had in So. Africa pecking away at the ground in our backyard area. I keep looking for watering holes that might be a stopping spot for a hippo or two, but have yet to find one. Still trying to find a close up of kangaroos, but so far nothing. We were told the other night that there won’t be just one, but a “mob” of them so watch out.
    Our president called us the middle of the week to set a date for us to come into the office and begin training before that couple is sent out to have a proselyting experience for 5 months before they go home. The time had better go fast because we are going stir crazy. Our hope each day is to have at least one calendar item! Take care of yourselves, our great friends


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