Birds and Flowers…there is beauty all around

It is getting into late spring here in Potch and while some flowering trees and roses are starting to lose their blossoms, there are plenty of other beautiful flowers emerging. The first five are from our neighbor’s front yard or other areas in the complex

09nov14 - pink flower 2 09nov14 - red flower nov 14 - cactus flower  nov14 - orange flower nov14 - pink flower

The red and yellow weavers are regular visitors to the Pier’s free food stand in our back yard. Also there are lots of Cape sparrows and doves of every size. The lower left picture captured one male and three female red bishop weavers, two or threes yellow weavers. It is fun to watch them eat but if I try to get closer to them to take a better picture the whole flock takes to the air.

8nov14 - red headed weaver  nov14 - female red headed finch nov14 - weavers…male and female nov14 - yellow and red weavers - seven

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