We just had an amazing specialized training that centered on the First Vision and Prayer. Here are 64 pictures I took at the meeting on Thursday for the Southern Zones – Miami Beach, Hialeah, Miami, and Homestead. I will put captions on the pictures when I have a chance but for now you can look through them and see if you can find your missionary. Look behind the main subjects because there a lot of photos where you can see other missionaries. If I missed someone I am sorry – it was certainly not intentional. Â Enjoy!
When we arrived at the Miami Lakes chapel, the first missionary we ran into was elder Bay who wants everyone to know he is OK. A little later I took this picture of him with his companion elder Tesch.
Elder Lange is being trained by elder Patino who is a district leader in the Miami Beach Zone. Elder O’Neill got in both pictures – in the second he is next to his companion elder Curtis with elder Pingree joining in. Elder O’Neill and Curtis are in El Portal South while elder Pingree is in Fontainebleau with elder Wardell.
We said our goodbyes to elder Plowman who served with us in Fort Lauderdale Zone at the start of our mission. When we got to the chapel we found the cultural hall set up for a Relief Society event. I had the elders carefully put them away as is and then set up lots of tables for our lunch. After lunch we carefully put the hall back the way it was.
Us with elder Plowman and then him with his fellow Hialeah zone leader elder Bowen. We first met elder Bowen when we delivered his Christmas package up in the far reaches of Lake Okeechobee where he was serving with elder Duncan.
Elders Lee and Kafton serve together in Miami Gardens. I was finally able to get a picture of the new AP trio. They have been so busy since elder Stewart joined elders Gust and Shipley on Monday that they have not been in the office while we were there. It is good to see they are already color coordinating their ties.
Have to have the thumbs up shot. They will work together until elder Shipley is released. Elder Diaz is given a big hug from his friend elder Toeava. They serve in different zones but that does not matter at all when it comes to brotherhood.
Elder Ovard with elder Hoole – again brothers not currently companions. Elder Dowdle and elder Williams are serving together as Zone Leaders in the Miami Beach zone. Elder Dowdle will be going home this transfer and we will miss him even though we will be leaving soon after.
It seems that wherever we go we see sister Lake who is with her companion sister Brown. Sister Lake is another missionary who has served an above average mission and will be departing on April 11th. Our table set up is not as pretty as the RS one but it is functional.
Elder McCormick and I went to get 40 pizzas at Little Caesars. There was a young man of about 8 or 9 there and when we said we had come to pick up 40 pizzas all he could say was Wow! So sister Hansen was third in line for lunch with sisters Brown, Hymas and others close behind.
Sisters Johnson, Dunford, Syme and Farley sat at a round table while four companionships and sister McCormick sat at the long table.
Lets see if I get this right…on the left is sisters Meiling, Hansen, Herrera, and Vance. At the end is sister Ware. Coming back towards the front from sister Ware are sisters Lira, Judkins, Holyan, and McCormick. What a great group of above average sister missionaries. The three elders are Gutierrez, Bowen and Plowman. Notice elder Plowman was not about to stop eating to have his picture taken…first things first is his moto.
Elders Lee, Kafton, Marcusen and Gutierrez at one table – btw elder Marcusen is an excellent piano player.
Elders Whitney and Diaz look a little lonely but they were early in line and were soon joined by others. These 6 elders really did not appreciate being photographed with their mouths full.
The Andersons with sisters Johnson and Dunford. That is my untouched pizza in the foreground. Elder Ellis took my job scooping ice cream. I am glad he did because I was still busy taking pictures. Besides he needs the training for future conferences and training meetings.
Sister Dunford is being a loving companion as she gets dessert for her companion. At least that is what she told me. I did not check to see if she actually gave one to sister Johnson. Elder Richardson was given a big hug by elder Kafton
Elder Hoole hopped tables and is seen here with sisters Ware and Quiocho and the APs elder Shipley and Gust. Sister Quiocho loves to pose for my pictures.
Elder Hoole joined in the fun with sister Quiocho. Notice that elder Gust is not only busy eating but also that he has clean his plate while others are still just getting started.
Some of our larger and more handsome elders – Kata, Rockwood and Dowdle. The senior missionaries also got in line for dessert. Sister McCormick waits patiently while elder Ellis serves her. I noticed that I managed to also capture sister Anderson and the ever present elder Hoole in the background.
Sister Herrera smile prettily in her rich red skirt. Elder Wardell and Pingree got their share of the pizza…there was enough for seconds and even thirds.