Elder and Sister Adams, the area self-reliance missionaries, came to Ikageng and presented a training session for the members of the branch who are looking for employment or who are interested in improving their employment. The Adams have been very successful in establishing contacts with many companies here in South Africa and introducing them to the high work ethics of the LDS members. Some of these companies now are willing almost any member who is qualified and applies for a job in their organizations.
Elder and sister Adams taught the group about self-reliance, budgeting, and how to prepare a statement about themselves that they could use when asking for an appointment for a job interview and during the interview. They are called ‘Me in 30 seconds’ statements.
The students practiced giving their statements to each other before getting on the phone and actually using them to try and get interviews. They were told to practice giving them to 20 people each day until they become natural. In checking with some students a few days later it seems they are not doing this.