Saturday reminded us that there are days when nothing seems to work out the way you planned it. Every meeting, piano lesson, and visit fell through. I did manage to get some things done at the office while Mary was waiting for a piano student who did not show up. I found out on Sunday that he had gone to his father after agreeing to the lesson earlier in the day.
However Sunday made up for Saturday.

Three recently baptized men administered the sacrament and then two of them spoke. How wonderful it is to see how the gospel changes lives. Instead of Sunday School, Relief Society and Priesthood lessons, we showed the Priesthood and Women sessions of conference.
After the meetings I felt that I wanted a picture of the great women – young and old – that faithfully come to their meetings each week. Mary pointed out that I had not included the three young women who also watched the session. The two on the right are not yet members and Dolly on the right was baptized just a short time ago.
In the evening I went out with president Kwaikwai and visited some sisters who we have missed lately in our meeting. Since I do not understand either Tswana or Xhosa I missed out on some of the conversation but we did talk some in English and I believe that they will start coming again. President Kwaikwai has only been a member for 4 years but has the wisdom  and the spirit of someone who has been in the Church for many more years. He also has a great love for the members and it shows when he speaks with and to them. It is a joy to serve with him and learn from him.
Whoever planted flowers in our compound had a great love for white roses. This is the large bush of them in our backyard. Elder Shane Webb is our grandson serving in  the Spain Malaga mission. The smile on his face comes from the love that he has for his mission, the people he teaches and for the Lord. He and our granddaughter, Sister McKay Pier. will both be home before Christmas. We are looking forward to seeing them both when we return in August of next year. Since we were on a mission when he got his call and left for Spain we will have not seen Shane for close to four years.