I almost forgot to put in some pictures from Sunday the 19th. After sacrament meeting the sisters watched the Women’s Conference while the men watched the Priesthood session. It was an interesting day for me because except for sacrament meeting president Kwaikwai had to go to work and the second counselor was at school so I was kept rather busy seeing things got set up, ran somewhat smoothly and then cleaned up. It was a time when I was grateful for great missionaries, a fine branch clerk and supportive members.
The elders and others help set up the large classroom as our chapel. Sister Brummer has been a mainstay in the branch for many years and she pitches in and helps get the Relief Society room and chapel ready.
The men enjoyed watching the Priesthood session. After the meeting I wanted a picture of all the sisters. Mary than reminded me that there were three young ladies who also watched but were not included in the picture.
The young lady on the left was with us for the first time. She was invited by the Shavonne who is herself an investigator. The sister in pink was just baptized about a month ago. So you see the branch is growing through missionary work. Since there was space for one more picture I included one of the white roses in our backyard.