Elder and Sister Dummer car-pooled with us to the Vaal Zone meeting in Vereeniging. It is great to have another couple close enough that we can do some things together, talk about what is happening in our areas, ask for suggestions on how to be more effective in our callings as missionaries and just enjoy each other’s company. It is not that we do not love the young elders and the members of the branches, but sometimes we just need to share time and experiences with other senior missionaries.
Zone training is held once each transfer. The zone leaders conduct the meeting, go through the calendar for the next few weeks, share messages from president and sister Dunn, and train the missionaries on a subject that they have been trained on by the mission president and the APs.
Mary played and sister Dummer led the opening song.
The elders joined in the singing. Elder Reese and elder George as the zone leaders for this transfer. This was elder Reese’s first training meeting with the zone.
I managed to get all the Ikageng district’s elders as they sat across from us. Elders Perez and Liera and elder Rami, elder Mayende, elder Graham and elder Mukasa.
Elder Segil with elder Kalani, Elder Stilgoe who is training elder May.
Elders Graham and Stilgoe share a moment before we take a zone picture! I guess Elder Perez was afraid he would not be noticed so he raised his hand!