Another busy day but with a break for going to District Meeting at the Fort Lauderdale chapel. This was the first one with Elder Conger as District Leader and Elder Marsh as Elder Plowman’s companion. We greatly enjoy being with the missionaries and they are nice enough to listen to what we have to say. We feel like we are with a group of our grandchildren.
Today the lesson continued to work on the Why, What and How method of teaching. Also there was a good discussion on the idea that no one is ever converted by obtaining just knowledge, it is the spirit that leads someone to the truth and then to a desire to be baptized.
Elders Conger and Rasmussen make a very good teaching companionship. Elders Marsh and Plowman are excellent finders. I like Elder Marsh a lot because he about my height…everyone else towers over us. Especially Elders Rasmussen and Wilson.
After District Meeting and lunch at Subway it was back to the office. I managed to do some indexing before things got busy again. Elder and Sister Beagley left for a teaching appointment so Mary and had a quiet last couple of hours with only an occasional phone call to deal with.
I called the McCormicks to see how they were doing and if there was anything they needed. They sounded like they are settling in quickly. After teaching with the elders on Saturday they took the investigator down to Key West for a branch fish fry. Sunday they met the Marathon branch president, sister McCormick played for sacrament, and they did not need to talk. They are going to be a great blessing to the saints in the lower Keys.
I read Elder Holland’s talk about the workers and how they dealt with the same pay for the work no matter how long they were at it. I realized that there is no mention of the blessings the all day workers received. Often times we seem to teach only about the blessings that come after we leave this life, when actually, as King Benjamin so masterly taught, we are blessed as soon as we keep a commandment, do a service, or share the gospel. Of course a parable usually only tries to teach one lesson but there is often others there to be found.
It rain almost all the time since about 2 or 3 on Sunday. There is of course breaks but today there was 5 inches of rain at the Miami airport. The weather man mentioned this evening that the storm should blow out to sea tonight but it seems that it might just turn around and head back again. Maybe we should have brought a boat!