Today was an eventful P-day as we went with the Sommerfeldts as they introduced Elder and Sister McCormick to their new boarding on Marathon Key. This was the first time we have been to the Keys.
E/S McCormick are from Washington State and they drove approximately 3500 miles from their home, to the MTC, and now down to their home for the next 17 months on Marathon Key. Elder Sommerfeldt stopped to get gas at this huge and very busy station that had the cheapest gas prices for 100 plus miles $3.52 a gallon. While we were there I took a picture of this sign that actually is not true unless it means the last stop before you get to the Keys.
The road down through Key Largo is two lanes for most of the way with a baby blue divider for much of it. Along the way there are so many great views I just stopped taking pictures but the one with the small boat harbor is typical. We were very lucky and drove out from under the rain into perfect weather for our first visit to the keys.
After checking in with the realtor and getting some instructions, we decided to have some lunch at a seafood restaurant she suggested that was nearby. Sparky’s turned out to be right on the water. As we parked we saw this beautiful boat – probably 60 feet or so – but I was especially impressed that it had it’s own parking space. This is important because parking is a premium in the area.
The food and scenery was great -  this laughing gull landed on the post near our table and kept us company for most of our meal – he may have been waiting to help the server clear the tables. However the companionship and conversations was even better. We had an opportunity to learn a great deal about the McCormicks, their lives together, and why the Lord chose Fort Lauderdale as the perfect place to serve their 18 month mission.
They were truly called to the right mission and President Anderson was inspired to send them down to the keys. They have the perfect talents and spirit to help build up the kingdom in the lower keys. I expect to see the branches down there bloom as they work with the elders and the branches to invite people to come unto Christ. I have to admit that we were a little jealous of their opportunities as they are going to have much the same experiences we had in working with the small branches in Richards Bay while enjoying the beauty and tranquility of the keys.
To show how quickly they got to work. We left them at 2:45 and they had a teaching appointment with the elders and some investigators at 4:00. They were not letting any grass grow under their feet!
This is where E/S McCormick will be living. The view from their sun porch is a channel that is just steps away. They can watch the sun rise over the water with this Eastern looking view.
Every year the keys hold a ultra marathon event that features a 100 mile run from mile marker 100 on Key Largo to mile marker 0 – the Southern most point in the continental US. There are teams of 6 relay runners as well as individual runners (they run the whole 100 miles) who compete. There is also a 50 mile event that starts at MM 50 and goes to 0. The best 100 mile team time is a little less than 10 hours…that is 100 six minute miles. The picture shows 2 runners coming off the 7 mile bridge – they have run the whole 7 miles because there is no place to hand off on the bridge.
We had to do some tourist buying and our favorite place to that we stopped at was this beautiful yard art and nursery shop. The prices on the keys are of course terribly high but after looking at all these beautiful things we found a wonderful gremlin hidden away against a fence that had been there so long the price was washed off. The owner was happy to sell it to us for $10. It will sit outside our apartment door until we can take it home and find the perfect spot for it in our yard.
Mary wanted to have a piece of fresh made Key Lime pie. She had tried one we bought at Publix and did not think it was all that good. So I asked a salesperson in one of the stores where the they served the best Key Lime pie on Key Largo and she sent us to Mother Mack’s Kitchen. The theme on the roof says everything. The pie was good but – at least for me – it will never replace lemon meringue, apple, or peach pie.
So ended our trip to the Keys…I was very glad that Elder Sommerfeldt was driving because we ran into rain for the last 75 miles or so.