A Florida Fort Lauderdale mission story shared by President Anderson in a recent letter to the missionaries…
“We were about to quit on the floor that we were harvesting on because everyone we had talked to on that floor denied us. But we then decided to knock out the remaining doors (there was like 4) we knocked a couple still with no luck and then we knock on the last door. This nice lady opens the door and says ‘Do you believe in Christ’ we said yes and she asked ‘only Christ? We said yes again and she said ‘good’ and let us right in. We were walking in and she was telling her husband that she felt a spirit super strong when we walked in. We blessed them and… We invited them to baptism. They accepted right off the bat, then we invited to church and unfortunately they couldn’t because of a beach party they already committed to. So we left absolutely pumped because we found this sweet family. We took the elevator down and got to the bottom when out running from the stairs was the grandma and her granddaughter and she told us that the granddaughter said she didn’t want to go to the party anymore because she felt something so great she wanted to go to church.. We were both like.. WHAT?! It was awesome to see! So they came to church and loved it and are preparing for baptism!â€Â