Today we had our Last Lunch to celebrate the end of this cycle and to give thanks to those wonder missionaries who we have had the privilege of serving with these last 6 weeks. One of those who will be leaving Fort Lauderdale Zone is Elder Beard who was at the first District Meeting we went to some 5 months ago.
Elders Beard and Rasmussen have been together for just one transfer but you can see they are sad to be parting as Elder Beard is transferring tomorrow. Elders Beard and Plowman just kept eating and had to have one last French fry before they left.
Mary found a comfortable place on the couch. She is with sisters Hong and Geest with Elder Plowman sneaking in a clown shot. I just realized that I did not get a picture of Sisters Geest and Hong together in as a companionship. Luckily I have a couple of pictures of them together as sister Hong is going to be transferred. Elder Beard wanted to take our sofa with him to his new area. He said the elders really never got a chance to just sit down and relax and loved to sit down and enjoy!
Elders Wilson and Taylor have been companions the last 6 weeks and these are their official companion pictures. Neither are being transferred so they will be around a while. Elder Grant is going to be leaving us this transfer – we will miss him.
Cindy and Mike sent Mary a beautiful corsage for Mother’s Day. We took the Assistants to Flanegans for lunch and Elder Giorgino ate a burger that must have been 6 inches thick.