Every week the mission president sends out a letter to all the missionaries that re-enforces lessons that have been taught in meetings. He also includes a few stories taken from letters that he receives…this is just one from this week’s letter that shows how obedience and hard work and the spirit makes extra ordinary missionaries..
“As I looked over the apartment complex I said to myself ‘who on earth in this ghetto complex would ever want to receive Jesus in their lives?’ Well God showed me what was up. The first door we knocked let us in without even an explanation of who we were, and why we were there… We knocked the next door and the same thing happened, he let us in without even asking who we were. He explained to us that he had been through many trials, attended many churches and had not found the comfort and strength that he was searching for. He said he had prayed for some sort of sign and low and behold there we were a few days later at his doorstep. We left the blessing with him, and he felt that comfort. He accepted the baptismal invitation and the invitation to come to church. It’s amazing how often we answer people’s prayers. He was finally able to feel that happiness he had been searching for.”