Monthly Archives: December 2009

02 December 2009

02 December 2009 – Wednesday

Just as we were ready to leave for the B’s boarding for another load, I read a letter from Sister Mann to Mary about the coming District Conference with a number of questions from Sister Koelliker about the district, branches and the Saturday afternoon meeting that she will speak at. Sister Mann thought it would be easier for Mary to answer sister Koelliker directly so she sat down and spent some time answering the best she could.

When she was finished we went to the other boarding and while Mary talked to Bessie about her trip to England for 2 months, I loaded up the car with more goodies. I think we have two more car loads and then President Vezi can come for the big things that are left. Hopefully he can do that on Friday and that will clear out the boarding.

We then motored up to Empangeni and that districts DDM. When we got there I noticed the car was not in the driveway so I called Elder Wengert to find out if why he called earlier was to tell us that there was no DDM. It wasn’t but DDM was moved to Richards Bay so the zone could practice their skit for All Zone. It seems that elder Kitili – the new District Leader – had forgotten to call and tell us of the change.

We decided to skip going to DDM and go back to our boarding to unload the car and then have lunch before heading to Esikhawini and things we needed to do there.

We had English class with Sister Ndlovu and her daughter at their house. Then we went and had a quick PEC with President Machaka before going to Zama’s house to exchange electrical converters.

01 December 2009

01 December 2009 – Tuesday

This morning when I looked for my scriptures I could not find them. I even asked Mary to pitch in because she often finds things that I look right past. But even she gave up and I decided that I must have left them at the Esikhawini chapel. Since we needed to give one of Mary’s students a new voltage converter for her key board, we stopped at the chapel first. I looked in a number of places and was just about to give up when I found them in the chapel. The reason I had not looked there first was Mary assured me that she had not seen them there when she closed up after piano lessons on Sunday.

Our trip to Zama’s house was not fruitful –she was not home and neither was her keyboard. So we headed off to Meerensee and the B’s old boarding to start moving things out so we can turn it back over to Bessie and Hans to rent out. But first we stopped along the way at the new KFC for lunch. We hurriedly ate our lunch because the air-conditioning was set so low that Mary almost froze.

We packed up a number of boxes and filled the car before heading back to our boarding. We then spent the rest of the day going through all the things we had brought as well as re-organizing what we already have. As Mary pointed out we basically were going through supplies and other items that go back at least 3 couples – the Beazers, the Hafens and the Bartholomews. We divided things into items we will keep, items we will give to the library, items we will give to the branches, and things to be thrown away.

By the time we had finished – well at least well along the way to being finished – it was well into the evening. Once again we did not really have dinner – just grabbed things while we worked. It was not what I could call a great missionary day, but we did get things done that needed to be done.

I forgot to mention that it was cloudy, drizzled or rained all day. Nice weather for the work I was doing.

30 November 2009

30 November 2009 – Monday

A very bland P-day that included running some errands and going out to a nice lunch at Mug and Bean, but mainly we just hung out around the house. It of coursed rained but not hard. We – well mainly me but Mary did seem to agree – just did not have much desire to go out and do anything very far from home. I managed to use some of the time to catch up all of our photos and get some of them on the blog.

I did get the FAX working so President Mann could send us some things we will need for District Conference. In the evening Elders Maremela and Disjon came over to down load some charts off the internet – the stats for the Zone are pretty flat.