Presenting the Florida Fort Lauderdale Mission

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These are the pictures from the recent conferences that were held when Elder Gavarret of the 3rd Quorum of the 70 did a mission tour. The left picture is the North part of the mission from about Fort Lauderdale North. We would have gone to that one but we volunteered to take care of the office. So we are in the right hand picture which was good because we got to meet a lot of missionaries we did not know except from their names on mail.

6 thoughts on “Presenting the Florida Fort Lauderdale Mission

  1. Bill Post author

    Well there are 8 couples including President and sister Anderson. There are 2 couples who are in the office all most all the time. We are there for about 3/4 of the time. There are two couples who pretty much work with keeping the housing up – leasing, inspections, moving and repairs, etc. But one of those sisters is also the mission nurse. That leaves the couple working with employment – and doing a great job. And we just got a couple to work with family history and genealogy. So there are no missionaries doing just MLS work.

  2. Wayne Tesch

    My son just got his mission call to the Fort Lauderdale mission, Spanish speaking-we are so excited! My wife and I just found your blog and we are enjoying learning about the mission. Thanks for your good work.
    My wife wants to know how long we can expect to enjoy your blog:)
    How many of the Elders and Sisters speak Spanish?

  3. Bill Post author

    We are glad you enjoy our blog. As you can see we keep it running through out our missions. We will be here until April 2014. Since we have not received notice that your son is coming – we will get it after he sends in his acceptance – we do not know when we are to expect him. When does he report to the MTC?

    Since Southern Florida is mainly Spanish speaking about 50% are Spanish speaking missionaries.

    As you can tell from our posts this is an exceptional mission with above average missionaries, so we imagine your son is of that caliber.

    Once we have notice that he is coming, he will get a package that will tell him a lot about the mission.

  4. Chelsea Smaelllie

    Hello! I just received my mission call to the Fort Lauderdale mission spanish speaking:) I am very excited! I’ll report to the Provo MTC on February 6th:) Thank you for the blog! I love reading all of the stories!

  5. Bill Post author

    Sister Smaellie – We are happy to hear that you received a call to the Fort Lauderdale Mission. You will be coming to a mission that truly has above average missionaries who, because of their faith, obedience, and hard work are on fire. As an example in August 2011 there were 28 baptism in the whole mission…this August there were 97 and there would have been over 100 but Hurrcane Isaac shut down about half the mission for the last Sunday of the month. But like Ammon we are not boasting of ourselves but we are boasting of the Lord and His great blessings and love.

    Once we get official word of your call, you will get a package that will tell you a lot about the mission and ask you to send back some very important forms…please send them back as soon as you can. If your driver’s license will expire while you are on your mission, try to get it extended before you come.


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