24 October 2009 – Saturday
I must confess that today is going to be a difficult one for me. We can not seem to get started – at least not as far as getting out to any of our areas. I have done a couple of loads of laundry, we went out and shopped for the things we need to feed the elders tomorrow night, I washed the car – the line at the car wash was much too long, and I have caught up my blog. But my mind seems to go blank when I start to think of what we should do before we go to Esikhawini for a battery of lessons sessions.
While Mary taught conducting and piano lessons, I tried bleach on the mold in the bathroom with not great results. Then I gave Sister Khumalo a basic lesson on the computer and got her started on a typing program that was on an old computer that the Bs left behind. I let her take it home with her so she could practice typing and learn more about how to use Word.
After the lessons we drove to the RB mall where we had dinner with the Mickelsens. They are a fun couple to be with and I am glad we are going to have a chance to work with them. They will go to church tomorrow at Ngwelezane and then head back to Durban in the afternoon.
I am afraid today is hardly more than a one mite day when it comes to doing missionary work.