10 October 2009 – Saturday
We had a busy day but a quiet evening. Mary kept busy this morning getting the last few things ready for the conference and loading everything in the car. We took lots of plates, cups, etc. that we ended up not needing but better to be prepared than sorry.
While the sisters kept busy getting things set up, I put out tables and chairs for their meal that they served before the meeting. It was a good way to let the late comers make it to the conference and for the sisters to enjoy some time to talk to each other. Elder B and I did have to go back to our boarding to get the brownies that were left on the counter.
The conference went very well. Sister Mann and others gave excellent talks, there were a number of songs sang by sisters from three of the branches, and they said a nice goodbye to Sister B. I was happy to see that during her talk the Lord supported her so she could speak clearly and with power. The District is really going to miss the Bs.
Sisters in Zion after a very successful and spiritual District Relief Society Conference
After the conference we had lunch with the Bs at Maxi’s in the mall. As always there was lots of discussion about the branches and some things we need to do. It may be the last time we have lunch with them and certainly the last time we will have lunch with them at Maxi’s.
While Mary was teaching brother Mhlungu piano, Sister Mathe arrived to work in her garden. I had to get a picture of this wonderful gogo in her bright gardening attire. I missed taking her picture at the RS conference when she was more conservatively dressed.
We went from the mall to Esikhawini where Mary had one piano lesson – the other three did not show up which is always discouraging. Before the lesson I got the amplifier working so they will have sound tomorrow. Quinton had called earlier and we arranged to meet for a while as he passed through to Port Durnford. We tried to figure out what we could do about transport for the dance. He had a number of good ideas.
My evening was mainly spent working on photos and backing them up on to an exterior drive. I also called and talked to Bob about how things were going at our house and found out that they had to replace one of the hot water heaters. I did not ask how much that cost because I did not want to even think about it. From his comments the yard was not very well taken care of this year but he promised it would be cleaned up before we got home. I just hope the majority of the plants make it through so I do not have to replant half the yard.