08 October 2009 – Thursday
I noticed that I forgot to mention that yesterday while we were loading our things into the B’s car, a bird managed to relieve itself on my hand. Bronwyn, our hostess, said that it was good luck to be crapped on by a bird. At the time I did not think so but in reflection perhaps she was correct. We did come home to a mini-flood, but no permanent damage was done and it well could have been.
Today Mary woke with a very raw throat and we are afraid she has caught Sister B’s cold. If so I can hardly wait for my turn.
I spent much of the morning posting pictures on the blog. I really need to do it on a day to day basis but I usually just put the task off until it is so big I do not want to do it. I wish I could say it is because I am too busy doing other good things but the truth is I just do not do it.
Cold or no cold we had too much to do today to stay home another day. I had a good meeting with President Malinga for the better part of an hour. We talked about a number of things and I explained that when the Bartholomews leave, we will not be in their branch very often. We will try to meet once a week so he can continue to be trained and I can find out how to help the branch. Since it was becoming a very hot day, we met under the big tree in his yard. I just realized I missed a photo op.
We then went to the Esikhawini chapel to return their sound system. For some reason I did not check it when I got it from the repair shop – bad move because of course it does not work. I will take it back in tomorrow.
We then headed to Port Durnford where we stopped in to Sister Joyce’s to wish her happy birthday and to drop off a card and a candy bar. We did not really expect her to be there because she works in her shop most days, so we were happy to see her home when we got there. I think she may have taken the day off because it was her birthday. We had a nice talk with her about her family – 2 children – her business, and other things. She has not been active for a while but we hope she will come to church on Sunday.
We had a good English class at the Nzama’s. It would have been even better if, because of Mary’s lack of voice, I had not had to teach. But they seemed to be happy with their lessons and it looks like Tembu may finally get baptized.
We then had a great Youth meeting with our 8 or 9 fine young men and women. We did not play any games. We had them report about what they got from Conference – Ayanda as usual had kept notes and so was able to mention each speaker and what they talked about. We then played Elder Holland’s wonderful talk on the Book of Mormon and afterwards we talked about what he said. I bore my testimony of how I came to know that the Book of Mormon was true through my experience in the Sacred Grove. I also talked about how I always find new things when I read from the Book of Mormon.  I have to say that the hour flew by and the youth participated all the way through.
The days are getting longer faster than I realized. Today we did not leave Port Durnford until after 5:00 but where just a month ago darkness would have fallen by the time we got back to our boarding, today it was bright and sunny all the way.
We had a quiet evening at home – mainly because Mary did not feel well and I was very tired. She worked on some things for the Relief Society Conference on Saturday, while I caught up with on-line news about the disasters in Indonesia, Samoa, and the Philippines. Members of the church have been greatly affected in the last two countries and of course we feel close to Indonesia.
2 Mite Day – Yes…