06 October 2009

06 October 2009 – Tuesday

I should mention that we either get weekly letters or read weekly blogs from a number of our friends on missions. Sister Creer writes about their week as they preside over the Ireland, Dublin mission, Elder and Sister Taylor are now reporting on their new mission as office couple in New Jersey, and Elder and Sister Nelson usually write about their mission in Nauvoo. The Mickelsen’s and Sister Mann write weekly blogs about their mission here in South Africa. Each letter or blog reflects the differences in our experiences but they also reflect the similarities we share as we work with wonderful young missionaries, other couples, and of course the great members. I doubt if those who have not been on a mission as a couple get quite the same feeling from these blogs and letters as those of us who have or are now serving.

Listening to Elder Renlund’s conference talk about how we must keep taking care of our changed spiritual hearts just as those who have a transplanted heart must take care of their new physical heart. He told a story about how he found himself drifting away from the patterns that keep our spiritual hearts well and how he caught his error and changed. This goes along with Elder Bednar’s talk about how consistency is an important part of our spiritual lives. I did not know he was a counselor in our Area Presidency.


Elder Weaver said the reason he was wearing this T-shirt and not his white shirt was because he had washed them all and they were not dry. Nice try Elder Weaver! The Richard Bay elders came over to try and make copies of some DVDs for elder Peterson. Unfortunately we did not have a good transfer program so they could not get it done before the Barts showed up so we could go to Durban for a meeting.

Sister B was feeling a little better – still not really well – so the trip was filled with lots of good talk about the mission, family, etc. They showed us where the Stake Patriarch lived in Salt Rock and then we had lunch at our favorite restaurant in Ballito before going on to Durban and our boarding at Crystal Stream Manor. We got the same big room we had last time which is quite nice and comfortable.

We went to the mission office and were soon joined by all the couples in the mission. It was a kind of mini-couples conference. Before the meeting started I had a good talk with Elder Markum where he told me some of his interesting baseball stories. He has had a life that is full of sports – as a participant, a coach and an official.

All of the senior proselyting elders plus elder Mickelsen met with President Mann to discuss the mission and the plans for the future. Before we started, Elder and Sister Helms who are the area Public Relations directors for the area talked to us about how we could get more involved with the community and help get the church good press. I wrote down a couple ideas and will try to find time to pursue them.

There is still no word on any couples coming to the mission so it seems we are going to go it alone in Richards Bay for the foreseeable future. There was good news that the Mickelsens may be able to come up and help at least one Sunday and a few weekdays each month. Any help will be greatly appreciated. While thinking of the Mickelsens, I should mention that they have been without any internet for a week and that is why they have not posted to their blog this week. They thought that they might get it back later in the day- hopefully they will.

It was a good open meeting with everyone sharing their troubles and triumphs. At the end President Mann asked Elder B to share his testimony and he truly poured out his heart about his love for the people and the work.

After the meeting we adjourned to the new Butcher Boy restaurant in Hillcrest where we enjoyed a great meal and lots of good discussion with the other couples. We shared a table with the Sessions, Barts and Ladysmith Wilsons.

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The reason Sister Sessions is not in either of these photos is that I did not get any of her that she would want to see on this blog. I am not sure the Bartholomews will appreciate their picture either.

Sister Sessions is a real hero in my books. When they got their call to come to South Africa, she said she would not go because she was afraid for her safety. But she decided that their call truly came from a prophet of God and so even though her fear did not go away, she agreed to come. When she got here she continued to be afraid and it did not help that they were assigned to work in a huge township where they were often the only white people around. But as time passed she came to love the people, served them, and now is finding it hard to leave them. I told her she was my hero because she was willing to walk into the darkness until she came to the light.

But the Lord had even more challenges for her. When the office couple finished their mission and there were none coming to replace them, President Mann asked them to take their place. Sister Sessions had no computer training and her new call was almost all done on the computer. But once again she accepted the call and has done an excellent job. What a wonderful experience it is to know and work with such dedicated couples and see their great testimonies in action. The Sessions will leave South Africa this weekend, but I doubt if Africa will ever be far from their thoughts for the rest of their lives.

I spoke to the President about the idea of renting a retail space in Kosi Bay as a chapel. He said it sounded like a good idea so I am going to call Iras and find out what he pays and if there is another space his size that we might rent. President Mann said we should get maps we need to get the paperwork started to make Kosi Bay a branch.

After dinner we rode with the Knudsens back to our boarding. It was a busy day – not hard but busy – and I was glad to go to bed. I tried to read from D&C 1 but my mind was too tired so I soon turned off the light and went to sleep. Another day that approached being a two mite day.

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