28 September 2009

28 September 2009 – Monday

Rain, wind, cold – that was what the weather was for this P-day. It was just as well because we did not plan to do anything other then spend it catching up on journals, blog, pictures, and sleep. We ended up doing pretty well on the first three but I did not get nearly as long a nap as I would have liked.

Just this morning I realized that there were two big events that I completely forgot to mention: One Friday the Bs went to Durban to pick up their son and daughter-in-law who flew in to spend a week with them. They have really been looking forward to this visit because they want to introduce all their new friends to their family. They will just be here for a week and so they will be very busy.

The second event has to do with the first. The visitors were willing to bring a couple of care packages from the Cindy for us. So Saturday night we went over to the Bs to print the baptism programs and got two lovely packages.

When we got home it was like opening Christmas presents. We got MMs, chocolate syrup, seasonings, beef stroganoff mix, the cheese packages out of Kraft’s Macaroni and Cheese, some books Mary ordered for our English class, and my best present – Red Vines.

We then called Cindy and thanked her for everything and caught up on what was going on in the family. Mainly they are sick – which is something we are glad they did not send us.

Since there is much not more to say about Monday, I will mention something that Sister B and I talked about on Sunday night. I had asked her how she was doing and found that she is getting much better. I suggested to her something Elder B and I had discussed a few weeks ago when she was quite sick. We had considered that Sister B’s illness meant that she was not able to do all the things for their branches that she had in the past so for a couple of months they had, had to be more independent. What was great was that they had done just that. Both branches put on their Primary Programs with basically no help from the Bs, the Youth in Enselini have risen to the challenge, and so forth. So the Bs can go home knowing that the young birds that they saw hatched and have nourished with love for the past 20 some months have learned to feed themselves and fly.

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