Today we taught our English class at the Mzama’s boarding in Port Durnford. There were only two people there but that is OK because it is not about numbers but about providing the opportunity. We were surprised that brother Themba was not there because he has never missed before. We hope he is OK.
After the class we took Tandi and her sister to the chapel for Youth meeting. The whole meeting was spent working on a script for the Roadshow next month. Mary came up with most of the ideas but a number of the youth joined in. Hopefully we can get them excited enough about this to get everyone involved.
We ran a little long so we rushed home so I could drop off Mary and then go to the District Council Meeting. I continue to be impressed by President Baldwin – his ability to make decisions and to lead. He just seems to have a spiritual strength that is not really noticeable -at least it was not to me – until you really get to know him.
We discussed many different items that were important to the district. He assigned the members of the district council in the branches on the 2nd Sunday. This should be a busy day for me because we also have a branch conference at Port Durnford. But I do look forward to carrying a message about the blessings of tithing and fast offerings to the members. I think it is a commandment that they would greatly bless their lives and branches if they decided to live it.