24 June 2009 – Wednesday
It was a very normal morning around the boarding. I started to catch up on the 80 plus pictures that I had not downloaded from the camera – almost a months worth I am afraid. Mary made some Rice Krispy treats to take to DDM.
DDM is always a spiritual event for us. To share the experiences of the missionaries, join them in song, recite the D&C 4…I always want to linger on the part that says ‘Therefore, oh ye that embark in the service of God; see that you serve him with all thy heart, might, mind and strength…etc.’ Putting your hands willing to the plow means you are covenanting to keep them there until the work is done. A couple of weeks ago, Elder Schlenker – the district leader – had committed each companionship to try and find one new family to teach each week. That is a family headed by a baba. So far they have managed to do that but most of them have not yet come to church. Hopefully this dedication to this goal will produce results that will greatly help the branches.
The Bartholomews were a little late getting to DDM because they had some problem with some charges to their credit card. Credit card theft is one of the major problems here. Most of the couples have it happen at least once. This one was strange because it happened at a website that sells LDS music. Although it was probably just a mistake, the Bs did not take a chance and cancelled their card. This of course means they must now wait until a new one is sent to them. Â
The last thing we did in DDM was to talk about a special finding experience that we have had on our mission. Listening to some of the ones the missionaries had was a special experience. All of them talk about how the Lord either led them to someone or led someone to them. We were able to share our experience about our neighbors and how a disagreeable situation turned into a missionary opportunity.
Mary’s treats were a big success – the elders made them quickly disappear.
Later we went to PEC with president Machaka and afterwards he I had a private talk about a couple of disciplinary actions that will probably need to take place. After that I got him to talk about his own country and some other things. I think it was the longest discussion I have ever had with him. He has a great testimony and is trying to serve the members of the PD branch.
We stopped by the Esikhawini chapel on the way home and added our garbage to the compost pile. I am afraid no one else is doing much to help there. We also picked up the remaining volumes of “The Work and the Glory.â€Â
Mary fixed a nice chicken dinner but as we were eating she managed to swallow a piece the wrong way. This has happened about once a month or so since we have been here. It really causes distress and she has to stop eating.
However in an hour or so – and much hacking and spitting – it usually clears up and she is tired but fine.But last night she could not get it to clear up and for hours she could not get her throat to work right. She spent a good part of the time standing over the bathroom sink trying to stop choking and to clear her throat.
It finally seemed to clear up some but at about 11 she woke me up and said it was not getting better and would I give her a blessing. I got the oil and anointed and sealed the blessing. The Lord told her that through her faith she would be able to go to sleep – I was not prompted to tell her that her throat would be made well before she was asleep, only that she would be able to sleep – and that she would wake feeling fine.
The blessing did not at first seem to do much – she was soon back visiting the bathroom sink – but when I asked her if she wanted me to stay up with her she told me no – that the blessing would take care of the problem. That is how great my dear wife’s faith is in the power of the priesthood. She did soon go to sleep and when she woke the next morning she was fine.