One of the traditions here in South Africa is on the last night before transfers, the elders in the zone get together for what is known as The Last Supper. Usually this is done on Tuesday night because that is when the zone leaders get informed of the changes. Since Elder B is a member of the mission presidency, they are always in Durban for a meeting on Tuesday. So here in Richards Bay The Last Supper is held on the Sunday night before transfers so the Bartholomews can be part of the tradition. Here are some pictures from the last gathering of the RB zone this past Sunday.
From left to right – The Richards Bay Zone – May 31, 2009, the zone with us, the zone with the Bartholomews.
This picture of the zone with Sister B will bring a smile to anyone who has served with the Bartholomews. Sister B is one of the most dynamic woman I have ever known. I think she runs on love because she never seems to eat anything. She serves huge meals to the missionaries, doctors them, laughts with them and cares for them as if they were her own sons. I have no idea how Elder B keeps up with her – she would wear me out in a week or less. We consider it a true tender mercy that we have the opportunity to serve with the Bartholomews.