Our office, our car and the mission home – three of the four places where we spend most of our hours each day.
11 April 2008 – Friday
After a very normal morning we went to the office. Hendra was waiting for us so he could check our problem with the internet. Of course it worked perfectly and was faster than ever. We worked on a couple of projects and answered e-mails. After lunch we went to home teach the Manurung family. It is always a good experience and we took him an English Book of Mormon and an English grammar book so he and hopefully the rest of his family can work on their English. He still hopes to get work in Sun Valley but at his age I do not think there is much hope. Although we tried to avoid it they gave us food and drinks. I realize that they are proud to do it, but I hate to have them spend their money on us. Their generosity reminds me of the widow’s mites.
I had sent the Indonesian version of the 25 Rules book to him via the missionaries and he had read almost all of it. We talked a little about where it came from and some of the ideas. Hopefully he will find things in it that will help him with his own small business. From the looks of it, he could really use it. I wonder if brother Soewigno could help him with his store. I will hae to ask him and see.
As I thought about the three hours that it takes to home teach this one family, I remembered that yesterday at district meeting, the missionaries mentioned that they were teaching a family that is two hours from the church. The also mentioned that they were coming to church but they did not want to ride with a member that lived near them. They wanted to come on their own. I would say that if they continue to come and are baptized, they will remain faithful. Anyone who is willing to spend the time and money to come that far is doing it because they feel something special about the church.
We continue to read from the Kitab Mormon and there are some words we did not know the first three times that we still do not know and can not guess. But for the most we are able to go for a number of verses without looking up any words.