09 April 2008 – Wednesday
A quiet P-day with the usual cleaning, studying, and relaxing. We read from the Kitab Mormon, watched the DVD of the PH session of conference, listened to other talks from conference, studied Indonesian – I am trying to read the conference edition of the Liahona straight through, and caught up this journal. We packed up another box of goodies to send home and will give it to the Wisers next week. I feel that one a week is about all we should ask of them. I think two more boxes will do it with the rest fitting in our suitcases. We plan to leave a lot of clothes and books behind.
One of the blessings of being senior missionaries is that we get DVDs of all the conference sessions the day after they are held. That means we can not only listen to but see the speakers and this makes it easier to pay attention to what is being said. I am afraid that when we just listen to it, sometimes my mind wanders away or I even fall asleep. I find that is less likely when I am watching. I also tend to take better notes when I watch as well as listen. Note taking makes me concentrate more on the speakers. But none of this is the same as careful reading and pondering the things that are said. So the Ensign conference editions is a wonderful tool for gaining spiritual strength when I need it.