The Walkers with our class. Friday night at the Steak House. A load of chairs arrived at the building and the men have to carry them up a couple of flights of stairs to the meeting room. They carry from 6 to 8 chairs on their backs and these are not light chairs. They load people about the same way they load motorcycles.
19 October 2007 – Friday
As I woke at about 4:30 today, I realized that I am still waking about the same time as I did when we first got here and it seemed so early. At least now I can sometimes go back to sleep – not today however. Before going to exercise I studied some Indonesian- it would be interesting to know how much time we have spent trying to learn Indonesian since we got our call. It must be close to a month of hours – and some times it seems like years. But it is a great exercise for my mind and I think that is what keeps it alive and well. Maybe not being able to remember much of the past is a good thing – it means I have to live for now and the future.
It was strange this morning to see none of my usual fellow walkers or gym users. It was like I had this huge complex all to myself. When I got done with my morning work-out I was pleased to see that Cindy had posted to her blog. It sounds like she is still not feeling 100%. There were some pictures of Krista with a new hair style. I like it – she reminds me of Cindy back when she was in high school and trying to be her own self. She was continually changing her hair styles so I thought it was funny to read the restrictions she placed on what Krista could do with her hair.
We read from the Kitab Mormon – we are now into the Book of Mormon and should be finished with the Kitab Mormon by the end of the month. Obviously there was still a functioning church at this time because Mormon and his family have not only the knowledge but also the priesthood. Or so it would seem.
We teach the morning classes – mainly a major test and vocabulary – and then wait until the Walkers come before we come back to the apartment to rest. We will go back later and take them all to dinner.
While I was monitoring the test, I read some of the conference talks from the November 2006 Ensign. Once again it struck me how important the counsel that we receive from conference should be read, re-read and then done. Each talk had something that touched me as I read it. Sometimes it was a rebuke for something I need to do more or better and sometimes it was the feeling of the spirit as one of the speakers shared their testimony or a story. The ideas edified me.
We came back to the apartment and I crashed. I did not realize I was so tired but I slept for 90 minutes. I would have slept longer if Mary had not woke me up. It certainly felt good.
We went back to the chapel by taxi and got there just as they were closing with prayer. Sam had told the students they were going to another home for dinner and so they were surprised when we told them we were taking them to Warang Steak House. We invited the Walkers and their driver to join us so we ended up as a party of 12. Everyone had a good time and ate way too much food. I gave half of mine to Sam who ended up with a triple steak. The bill came to under $30 for the 12 of us. I love eating out in Jakarta – at least in non-bulai restaurants.
We continue to read in the Kitab Mormon – Mormon is refusing to lead the Nephites because they will not repent and accept the Lord’s pardon. They feel that they have accomplished the great victory on their own. About a year ago I read a talk that pointed out that we can be mislead by the idea that if we are righteous the Lord steps in when we have done all we can for ourselves. The article points out that when we are righteous the spirit and the blessings of the Lord is always with us and what we accomplish ‘by ourselves’ still depends on that help.