03 October 2007 – Wednesday
I woke at about 5:30 and hardly even thought about going to the gym. Since it is P-day, I can do that later. I just enjoyed the warm comfort of the bed for another 15 minutes before getting up. The morning has passed quickly with me doing nothing more than catching up and posting this journal and having breakfast.
We read from the Kitab Mormon with Moroni’s scathing letter to Pahoran and of course Pahoran’s gentle letter back. Eveyone tends to use Moroni and his Title of Liberty in talks, but to me the real hero here is Pahoran. He gets a letter questioning his very being and instead of reacting, he acts with the love and kindness that only the greatest leaders can master. He shows almost all the Christlike attributes that are listed in PMG – including patience, hope, faith, etc. We probably have enough Moroni’s in the kingdom, what we need is more Pahoran. A man of action and courage, but also one who thinks before he acts.
We go to work so Mary can practice the piano and make some copies she needs for her English class. The practicing goes well, but the copier for some reason will not acknowledge the black print cartridge so we will probably need to get it repaired. Of course this happens just before we are about to start an Intensive English Class where we use tons of copies. Hopefully it will not take long to fix it.
We decide to get two of the jobs available papers and post one in the hall for people to read. We keep hoping that members will realize we are a good source for employment help and will start coming in more often. All we really need is their resumes so we know what they are looking for.
The rest of the day was spent cleaning up the apartment and other P-day activities. I went down and worked out some in the gym. By the afternoon the air-conditioners have got the temperature down to something pleasant – that is different from the morning.
We both got our hair cut…they like short hair here in Indonesia. Something to do with the heat I guess. I am beginning to like the shorter hair style. I am not ready for a buzz yet but who knows what will happen next year.
We read for a couple more hours from the Kitab Mormon – we finished Alma and are now into Helaman – we have less than 200 pages to go. Before going to bed I read from 2nd Nephi and was happy to find that I can read it quite well.
We got an e-mail from our neighbor Lauren Anderson that told us that Brian seems to have a dog at the house – and that it barks. Hopefully he will not upset the neighbors. Lisa wrote that Bob was going down and shut off the sprinklers. I asked him to also shut down the cooler and replace the filters in the heater. I do not imagine anyone will clean up the plants this fall – it will be a mess come spring.