09 October 2007 – Tuesday
I slept very well last night but woke at 5:00. Gym, breakfast, and reading the Kitab Mormon. Not for an hour because we have to leave by 8:15 to get to the chapel in time to start classes. We stop along the way and pick up the printing, then we run into a traffic jam, but we still make it in time.
The first full day goes well. We push them hard today. I start by getting a commitment from them that they would only speak English – especially at their home. I tell them I am going to do it just as they asked for commitments as missionaries and that I would be very disappointed if they did not keep the commitment.
We give them a test for the first part of the day. After lunch I took over because Mary was supposed to have an English class at the office. Just before she is to leave, she got a call saying there would be no class. So she works on other lesson plans while I teach the students grammar, TH sound, and the vocabulary. The students are very far apart in abilities. One of the young ladies probably should not be in the class but we will try to help her with individual teaching.
We are finished right at 4:30 and Sam takes off with them to Joel’s home and Mary and I catch a taxi home.
During the morning class, elder Subandriyo came to class and welcomed them. He taught them the importance of gaining as many skills as they can. Also he spoke to them about the need for English if they want to get a good job. After he left I told them how this class came into being. How it was through the inspiration of elder Subandriyo and other experience I had after starting my mission. The interesting part is that elder Subandriyo does not remember at all his part in the process but he was the catalyst that got me thinking and praying.
So we are off and running with our second class. Hopefully we have learned a lot from the first class and this one will be better. We are trying hard to cover all the things they will need to pass the Michigan test. We are giving them more vocabulary and working more on grammar. While it is important that they can understand and speak English, it is not as important for the Michigan test as reading, vocabulary and grammar. With the Lord’s help – which we certainly need and receive in abundance – we will help these young people enjoy a better life both for their families and in the church.