12 May 2015 – Transfers – After Pictures

After the meeting the fellowshipping goes on for hours. But there is also the moving of luggage from one car to the one from the new area. Here are the pictures I took after the meeting and before we headed back to Potchefstroom.

IMG_9936 Transfers - Compton, Harris IMG_9937 Transfers - McAllister, Oldroyd - poor

Elders Compton and Harris were serving in the Ikageng district when we came to Potch some 14 months ago. Elder Compton has just one more transfer before he is released. Elder McAllister was transferred from our district last transfer and elder Oldroyd heads to Witbank to be DL after serving in Jouberton.

IMG_9938 Transfers - Smith, Allen IMG_9939 Transfers - Gwaka, Pickup, Dube, Magrangqa 4 Generations

Elders Smith and Allen – not the new elder Allen – pose for me. The picture on the right is a rare photo of four generations of elders. Elder Magrangqaon the right – who is being released – trained elder Dube who trained elder Pickup who will be training our new elder Gwaka.

IMG_9940 Transfers - McAllister IMG_9941 Transfers - Rami

Elder McAllister is laughing with an elder I do not know – Elder Ramiliarijaona – who is always just called elder Rami – stopped to have his photo taken. He served in our district.IMG_9942  Transfers - Togiatomai, Andritiana IMG_9943 Transfers - Stilgoe, Olson

Elder Togiatomai – who was transferred from the Vaal Zone shows some pictures to elder Andritiana who also served in the Vaal zone but is heading home. Elder Stilgoe points out elder Olseon

IMG_9944 Transfers - McAllister IMG_9945 Transfers - Menendez

Elder McAllister managed to find another elder who I do not know. Elder Menendez was released as an AP and will spend the next two transfers training.IMG_9946 Transfers - Togiatomai, Menendez IMG_9947 Transfers - Bryne

Two former companions as ZLs in the Vaal Zone get together. Elder Bryner with a friend.IMG_9948 Transfers - Larsen. Nelson IMG_9949 Transfers - Todd, Turauskis, Peterson

Elder Larsen who served in our district back at the turn of the year with his new companion elder Nelson. Elder Todd with his new companion elder Turauskis and elder Peterson

IMG_9950 Transfers - Tekurio, Melese, Adjin, Holmquist IMG_9951 Transfers - Luggage

Elders Tekurio, Melese, Adjin and Holmquist were happy to have their picture taken. Here are some photos of the transfer of luggage – some have neat stacks and some look like they are moving everything but the kitchen sink.

IMG_9952Transfers - Luggage 2 IMG_9953 Transfers - Loading cars IMG_9954 Transfers - Luggage 3 IMG_9955 Transfers - Luggage 4 IMG_9956 Transfers - Sister Dunn IMG_9957 Transfers - Rushton, Graham

Sister Dunn has a few words with elder Anderson. Elder Anderson’s parents came to pick him up and got to experience a transfer meeting. Elders Rushton and Graham got together.

IMG_9958 Transfers - Taylor, Smith

As did elders Taylor and Smith…for my last photo of the transfer! See you all in 6 weeks or so.

2 thoughts on “12 May 2015 – Transfers – After Pictures

  1. Holly Compton

    Thank you so much for the pictures! They mean so much to this Mother! It is my son’s last transfer and I just am so grateful for your sharing and being so kind to him. Sister Compton

    1. Katrina Bryner

      Thank you so much for posting pictures so quickly after transfers . I always look forward to them and in a small way I feel a part of it. I know it takes a lot of time and your efforts are so appreciated!!


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