12 May 2015 – Transfers – Part 1 – Before

We arrived at the mission office about an hour before the transfer meeting started. We thought we were 90 minutes early but they moved the starting time up 30 minutes because so many elders were going home and they needed time for them to give their parting thoughts. I took over 180 pictures – some before, some after and of course most during. It takes a lot of time to edit and put names on that many pictures so I am going to post them in sections. First just as pictures and then I will go back and write something about them. The mothers and others who follow our blog will just be happy to see a current picture of their elders. I must confess that I tend to take more pictures of elders we have served with or who we bump into regularly at conferences and transfer meetings. Also I try to take pictures of those elders who’s mothers take regular looks at our blog even if we have not served with them. It is a real blessing to be able to go to transfer meeting and interact with these great elders and senior couples. It is special to sit or stand in the chapel and join with over 100 voices singing  hymns. So here are the pictures I took before the meeting…hope you enjoy them.

IMG_9767 Transfers - Liera, Oldroyd, Todd IMG_9768 Transfers - Liera - O'Riodan in back

Elder Liera talks to Mary while elders Oldroyd and Todd stand by – I think that is elder Taylor in the back ground. Elder Liera with elder O’Riordan and friends in the background.IMG_9771 Transfers -  Andritiana

Elder Andritiana has two name tags so he does not forget who he is…this was his last day in the mission and we are sorry to see him go.

IMG_9773 Transfers - Todd's New Camera IMG_9774 Transfers - Todd, Camera, Wifi

Elder Todd’s latest camera – it is a Samsung and it communicates by wi-fi so you can send pictures right to e-mail or social networks. He finally found a spot near the mission office where he could tie into the Church wi-fi.

IMG_9775 Transfers - Oldroyd, his father, anderson IMG_9776 Transfers - Anderson, with going home coat

Elder Oldroyd with elder Anderson who trained him. Elder Anderson is wearing the famous departure coat with that is signed by departing missionaries who are privileged to wear it to transfer meeting.

IMG_9777 Transfers - Rushton, Di Ruscio IMG_9779 Transfers - Raymond, Me 2Elders Rushton and Di Ruscio pose for a photo. It was elder Raymond’s last day in the mission so I got a photo with him. We served in the Vaal Zone with him and he seemed to turn up at many of the group meetings we held since we have been in South Africa.

IMG_9780 Transfers - Rodgers IMG_9781 Transfers - Kankkunen

Elder Rodgers was transferred back to the Vaal zone after being away for just one transfer. I guess this is his home away from home. Elder Kankkunen has been serving in Sunnyside as DL and received a new companion at the transfer.

IMG_9782 Transfers - Perkins IMG_9783 Transfers - Larsen, Guencia

Elder Perkins with a great smile and a really short hair cut – he was serving in the district when we came in 15 months ago. Elder Larsen with elder Guencia – still the only real Mexico Mexican in the mission.

IMG_9784 Transfers - Anderson, Pickup, Guencia and others IMG_9786 Transfers - Pickup, Us -

Elders Anderson, Larsen, Pickup and Guencia with two friends who tags I can not read. Elder Pickup is the brother of a sister we served with in the Florida Fort Lauderdale mission. This was the first time we really got to meet him as he just finished his training and will train another missionary. He served 3 months in the states while waiting for his visa so he is a seasoned missionary.

IMG_9788 Transfers - Sister Dunn teaching IMG_9789 Transfers - Me and New missionaries

I went in to watch the new elders getting instruction about mission rules, how to use their debit card, etc. I was just in time to hear sister Dunn wrap up the meeting and then she took a picture of me with the new missionaries – timing is everything.

IMG_9791 Transfers - Allen, Ngilazi IMG_9792 Transfers - Segil, Yates

Two of the new missionaries seem comfortable striking a pose for a photo – elders Allen from Texas and elder Ngialzi from Zimbabwe. It would not be a transfer meeting without elder Sigel who I caught with elder Yates who serves as DL out in Orange Farm.

IMG_9793 Transfers - Cummings   IMG_9794 Transfers - Turauskis, Yates

Although we have never served with him – not even in the same zone, Elder Cummings is another missionary who is always around. Elder Turauskis, our only elder from Lithuania, talking with elder Yates…I just noticed that elder Anderson is in the background.

IMG_9795 Transfers - Cummings IMG_9796 Transfers - Oldroyd, Bryner, Wilkinso

One more picture of elder Cummings. Elders Oldroyd, Bryner and Wilkinson buddy up for a photo

IMG_9797 Transfers - Carter, Bua IMG_9798 Transfers - Togiatomali, Thompson

As does elders Carter and Bua – elder Carter was transferred out of the zone. As was elder Togiatomai who is with elder Thompson.

IMG_9799 Transfers - Oldroyd, Stilgoe, Olson IMG_9800 Transfers - Alvial

Elder Oldroyd turned up in many pictures – here he is with elder Stilgoe and Olson. I was surprised that elder Alvial showed up as neither he nor his companion elder Barton were being transferred but they had to see elder Thompson about something,IMG_9801 Transfers - Neuenschwander


Elder Neuenschwander gets the last photo before we had to round everyone up for the meeting. He and his companion, elder Savage, are not being transferred but had to drive some of the other elders to the meeting and take the new missionaries back.

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