A Beautiful Sunday….

 All Sundays are a wonderful opportunity to partake of the sacrament, learn about the gospel, meet people and serve. But this was a especially beautiful because we were able to stay for the baptism of sister Shamekia W and her daughter Ma’Kaylah. We also saw the baptism of sister Elizabeth N that fulfilled the made a family complete and brought joy to her daughter who had been praying for this to happen before she went on her mission.

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On Saturday I bought our first poinsettia of the season at Costco…so much beauty for a reasonable price. This is the little used front entrance to the Fort Lauderdale chapel. It is the first chapel built in the area and is surrounded by huge trees. It is a lovely setting for a peaceful chapel. While Shamekia and Ma’Kaylah got ready to be baptized, Mary became the grandmother to watch the other three children. As I looked at this picture it reminded me of our mission to South Africa.

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Sister Elizabeth – in white in the middle – is enclosed by her family who was so happy to have come unto Christ. The middle picture is of Shamekia, her children and Elders Bloom and Hall (in white). As the day ended I caught this beautiful picture of the sky outside our apartment. What a wonderful Sabbath.

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