With God, anything is possible…

 From this week’s letter from President Anderson…

“On Saturday… one of the last doors we harvested, after a not so successful street, was David’s door. We blessed him and he was very touched. We testified, invited and he rejected. He said… I am not looking to become a Mormon. We invited him to Church and he said no, and so we left him our number and a chapel card. The next door was a family of 3 that accepted and committed to come to church… then as we were walking to our car we got a call from an unknown phone number… we answered and someone said  ‘Hi is this the sister Missionary? This is David…you guys just said a prayer with me. Sooo you turn left on Hiatus road to get to the chapel??’  I smiled and said ‘yes’… and he said… ‘and is ok if I don’t wear a suit?’ And I said ‘yes!’ He said ‘ok …I was inspired and I will see you there tomorrow’… and he came..! Miracle .. THE HARVEST IS INSPIRING!”

One thought on “With God, anything is possible…

  1. Sandy Mickelsen

    We’ll never get Africa out of our minds and our hearts! We check each morning at Tembe also and we saw the same scenes that day. As our elephant friend came into the screen, he was scratching himself on a tree for the longest time. We have a short video of a giraffe doing the same thing – love those animals!


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