Daily Archives: August 21, 2012

With God, anything is possible…

 From this week’s letter from President Anderson…

“On Saturday… one of the last doors we harvested, after a not so successful street, was David’s door. We blessed him and he was very touched. We testified, invited and he rejected. He said… I am not looking to become a Mormon. We invited him to Church and he said no, and so we left him our number and a chapel card. The next door was a family of 3 that accepted and committed to come to church… then as we were walking to our car we got a call from an unknown phone number… we answered and someone said  ‘Hi is this the sister Missionary? This is David…you guys just said a prayer with me. Sooo you turn left on Hiatus road to get to the chapel??’  I smiled and said ‘yes’… and he said… ‘and is ok if I don’t wear a suit?’ And I said ‘yes!’ He said ‘ok …I was inspired and I will see you there tomorrow’… and he came..! Miracle .. THE HARVEST IS INSPIRING!”