22 November 2011 – Mullet Fishing


The road that runs along in front of the Plantation chapel also run along a canal – there are lots and lots of canal in the area as well as lots of small lakes which catch the volumes of water that keep falling from the skies.  I had noticed that almost any time we drove along this canal there were people fishing  with these long poles. I decided that I would stop today and ask them what they were fishing for. A very nice man explained that they were fishing for mullet, the pole is 20 feet long and they fish with worms. I stopped again after our meeting which lasted about 2 hours and asked how they were doing. They had not caught anything and had not even had a bite. However the little minnows regularly ate their bait so they had to continually replace their worms. I wondered why they did not use spinning rods which are much lighter and easier to cast but I guess the 20 foot pole is traditional. Maybe some sunny p-day I will give it a try.

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