Daily Archives: November 19, 2011

19 November 2011 – P-Day

We have had a very quiet and lazy P-day. We did a little shopping in the morning but other than that we have stayed around the boarding doing laundry, dishes, catching up some things on the computer and catching a nap.

I have decided that I need to find a new way to mine the gospel gold that is in the Book of Mormon. I have started reading it and writing down each time that the Spirit or the Holy Ghost is mentioned and how it is used. So far I am through chapter 8 and each chapter has at least one verse that uses one of these terms. Often it mentioned being filled with Spirit and other times the spirit instructs. In 3:20 it says that prophet receive truth by the spirit and power of God. I will need to go back and ponder what I have written.384999_2394809587875_1180006701_32403108_1373877808_n.jpg 

This was the scene from our porch this evening. About 30 minutes later the heavens opened and the rain poured down.