Since we have done this a couple of times before, we realized that as the time for our reporting to the MTC became shorter, we would be doing a number of things for the last time. However that does not make it easier to say goodbye to people we have learned to love over the last year.
Last week we served our last shifts at the MTC and the Bishops Storehouse. What made the saying goodbye to the MTC easier was that most of the people we served with had already left. Our wonderful supervisor Dianna who had been our leader from day one came in for the last time just two days before we did.
As a tender mercy, the Lord made our last day very special. People answered their telephones and readily agreed to fill an opportunity. All of the volunteers showed up more or less on time. Mary gave a final lesson on crocheting to Maria who is in charge of the whole tutoring program. So when we shut down the computer and turned off the lights for the last time we walked out with a feeling of satisfaction.
About the same thing happened as we served our last shift at the Bishops Storehouse. Mary’s replacement on the desk handled the shift perfectly. I was able to keep busy helping patrons and working in the coolers. The only downside was that a number of the regulars did not come in so we could not say goodbye. Maybe we will go back on one of the remaining Thursday and see if they are there. Of all the those we served with at the storehouse, we will miss our dear friends the Kirkmans most of all. But we will keep in touch and hopefully see them again before we leave.
So great to read your blog again and we will look forward to keeping tract of you in the Sunshine State. We probably won’t be able to go for another year – though we would love to be out again. Feel like I need to continue in my Relief Society calling for at least a year!
Love you guys and know that you will be in our prayers.
After Elder Holland’s talk maybe the Bishop or Stake President will be inspired to call you earlier…stranger things have happened. If not, maybe we will see you in a year.