09 June 2008


Monday night – Pizza time. Charlotte with Jim – she did not get any pizza. Olivia did not eat much of her pizza – liked the cheese sticks. Mary sitting back watching her grandchildren. The weather was perfect on the deck.

09 June 2008 – Monday

Terrible night with little sleep – cough would not go away so I slept in 2 hour or less sections. When I got out of bed I had to put on a coat – I could not find my robe – because it was only 45 degrees. I am ready to go back to Jakarta where it is always warm.

Tom and his family and Jim’s family came over in the morning and we had a good time together until it was time for the Oregon Piers  to leave for the airport. We will go see them in late June. Kristy spent the morning out visiting her friends here.

Tom did me two great favors – he hooked up the swamp cooler and put on the new toilet seat I had bought earlier in the morning. A-top wanted $200 to turn on the cooler – I can not understand how they can charge that for such an easy process.

Later in the afternoon the rest of us went over to Sears where we bought a new washing machine. Thanks to Jim’s 10% off and basically free installation and take away, we came close to the $400 I wanted to spend. Speaking of washing, over the last few days I caught up all the laundry that Brian accumulated. It is nice to be able to walk into the laundry room. We had a quiet evening – we ordered in Pizza and just sat around talking until Jim’s family went back to their hotel.

Both of us were very tired – the cold is sapping all of my strength – so we went to bed early. It was a good day with some of our family. We will miss Olivia, Charlotte, William and Kelli but we will see them a couple of more times before we go out on our next mission.

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